We’ve been quiet on the Frinkiac and Morbotron front for awhile, but today we’re introducing the newest member of the CompuGlobalHyperMegaCap family: Master of All Science.

GIF and meme your way to happiness1 with all the tools you’ve come to expect from our sites, but now with Rick & Morty! We’ve got every episode aired to date conveniently indexed so even an idiot like Jerry can find what they’re looking for. Learn important facts like Pluto is a cold, cold celestial dwarf, buy some turbulent juice while watching ball fondlers, or just listen to it feels good while you purge! You’ll be like a god, the infinite Rick.

Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that this project is all about that Szechuan sauce. We’re driven by finding that McNugget sauce. If it takes nine years, we want it Justin! Nine years of Master of All Science, Justin, just for that sauce!

  1. Not a guarantee.